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September 2022 Releases I’m Excited For!


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We might not be all the way through the month of August yet, but I’m happy to report that my book buying ban has so far been a success. And by book buying ban, I of course am excluding all my monthly subscriptions and preorders because they obviously don’t count. Anyway, it’s going to be hard to keep the streak up, because once again there are so many amazing books coming out that my TBR cart is weeping. Here are just a few I’m excited for!

There’s Something About Merry by Codi Hall: Tis the season for holiday romances and if you know me at all, you know I will be reading every single one. Bring it on! Releases September 6.

The Decoy Girlfriend by Lillie Vale: Lillie is my editor sib so of course I will be buying this one (book bans don’t count when it’s friends–I just made that rule but it tracks). Also you know I’m here for a celebrity romance. Releases September 6.

Lizzie Blake’s Best Mistake by Mazey Eddings: I heard there’s face-sitting and that’s all I really need to know. Releases September 6.

Do You Take This Man by Denise Williams: I’ve actually already read this one and it is phenomenal (no surprises there because hello, it’s Denise). Releases September 6.

Lucy on the Wild Side by Kerry Rea: I loved Kerry’s first book so I cannot wait to dive into this one! Releases September 13.

The Make-Up Test by Jenny Howe: Jenny is another fantastic ’22 debut so I’ve been eagerly awaiting this one. Releases September 13.

A Merry Little Meet Cute by Sierra Simone and Julie Murphy: Two stellar authors and a holiday romance? Sign me up! Releases September 20.

The Kiss Curse by Erin Sterling: I really enjoyed Erin’s first spooky romance and I’m sure I will love this one too. Releases September 20.

Where We End and Begin by Jane Igharo: Jane is just a gorgeous storyteller, her books always transport me. Releases September 27.

How badly is your bank account hurting these days? Very much same! But just remember, you’re not buying books, you’re rescuing them!

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