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Monthly Wrap Up: April 2021

Here comes the part where I’m like omg I can’t believe it’s already May!!! Disbelief!!! Time goes so fast!!! But seriously. How is it already May and how is time going so fast? April was another month of just hanging in there and trying to make life work, but it also was the month I became fully vaccinated, and while I’m definitely not back to “normal”, it has been nice to feel a little more comfortable being out in the world. So let’s take a looksy at April!

Reading: I read fifteen books in April, and while I started off super fast, I kind of slowed down toward the end of the month. You can see highlights from all of my favorite reads here, but the standouts in April came from Talia Hibbert, Joanna Shupe, Sarah Hogle, Emily Henry, Farah Heron, and Libby Hubscher. I would like to be them when I grow up.

Writing: In April, I was focused on two things: drafting something new while I waited for my second round of edits, and then finishing those edits. It’s been a little strange working on two projects at once because I am definitely not used to that, but in the downtimes of edits for Lease on Love, I want to make sure I am keeping my mind busy and sharp. I just finished round two of edits and so I’m going to spend the next couple of weeks working on something new, which I am kind of excited about! I also started my newsletter in April, which you should totally sign up for if you haven’t already! 

Movies and TV: So if you haven’t already figured it out, I am obsessed with Sebastian Stan and Falcon and the Winter Soldier. I think I’ve watched the whole thing like three times already and will probably start it again soon because a) it’s good and b) so much hotness all around. I also went to see my first post vaccine movie in April and it was amazing! Not the movie itself, just the experience of going! But the movie wasn’t bad. I saw Monday, starring none other than Sebastian Stan himself and I really have just two words for you: full frontal. You’re welcome. Other than that, I’ve been bingeing a lot of reality TV, mostly in the form of Ink Master, Survivor, and Drag Race (thanks Paramount Plus!), and loving all of it (actually, I low-key hate Ink Master, but I want a tattoo so bad it’s giving me my fix).

Life Stuff: So like lots of life stuff in April! As I mentioned, I become fully invincible last month, and I took serious advantage. I got a massage and a mani/pedi and a motherfuckin’ haircut and color and it was all so so so so so glorious. I also went to Target and more than one bookstore and saw a movie and it mostly feels amazing. Seriously. I am very grateful to be in the position to feel safe. My kiddo also went back to school in April, two days a week for about three and a half hours each day and it doesn’t sound like much, but it feels fan-fucking-tastic. After the first day I looked at Matt and was like, I just got so much done!!! And kid is happy, so I’m happy.

All in all, April was one of the best months I’ve had in a while, and here’s hoping things continue to improve! Happy May friends!

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