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Monthly Wrap Up: March 2022

Hi friends! Yes, once again it is already the middle of the month and I’m just now getting to my previous month’s wrap up. I never was good at being on time! It’s hard to believe that spring has sprung, but we are quickly churning through the year. April is the beginning of my busy season, but for now, I’m trying to revel in the peace and calm (ha!) that was the month of March. Here’s the highlights!

Reading: I read nineteen books in March, which is the most I’ve read this year so far and honestly probably won’t be topped. It was a romance heavy month for me (as it should be) and that meant I had a lot of favorite reads. I expect that streak to continue since some of my most anticipated books of the year are coming in the next couple of months. If you’re interested in seeing some of my favorite reads from this month, you can find them all in this post right here!

Writing: Last month was my favorite kind of month in that I wasn’t on deadline and got to focus my writing energy on drafting (my favorite part of the writing process). I’m drafting a potential book four, a fake dating celebrity romance, and I am having so much fun back in Draft Land. This is the stuff I really love, getting to spin these stories and create characters and their worlds. I’m just about finished with the draft and I’m expecting my next round of edits for book two any day now so I’m enjoying this stage while it lasts!

Movies and TV: I didn’t make it to as many movies in March as I did in February, and that trend will probably continue for the next few months while wedding season is in high gear. I did manage to see Belfast, which was incredible. Highly recommend if you haven’t checked it out. And for some reason I found myself on an Outlander streak in March. I rewatched all of seasons one and two and am in the middle of season three right now (though this is where I find my interest starting to wane–I just don’t like the actress who plays Brianna and the more involved she is in the story, the less I’m interested). I don’t know if I’ll continue with that binge or not. I also watched The Dropout, which was interesting and of course, all my reality TV faves. Oh, and a little show called Bridgerton, which you might have heard of.

Life Stuff: March was an interesting month because it marked my first month post book debut and there’s this weird sort of comedown period that happened for me. It was kind of how I felt after my wedding, like this huge event that I had spent all this time planning for was done, and what do I do with myself now? Add in a lot of self doubt over book reviews and sales and all kinds of other things and it made for a stressful month. But I’m feeling good now, starting to toughen up a little with those harsh reviews, and I’m looking forward to a busy wedding and writing season!

Hope you all had a fabulous March and beginning of April!

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