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  • falonballard

Monthly Wrap Up: November 2021

Here we are again, my friends! Another month wrapped up and the final month of the year well under way. Where has the time gone?!?!? I am in every stage of denial about it actually being December so I’m going to take a few minutes and relive November and pretend 2022 isn’t knocking on the door. Here’s a little looksy back!

Reading: November was a slower month of reading for me. I finished fourteen books, which I know seems like a lot, but it was a bit less than I was hoping for. I desperately need to get caught up on my ARCs. My Kindle is full of amazing books and I just do not have time to read all of them AND clear my TBR cart. When is someone going to pay me to read? Just the reading part, not any of the other stuff that comes along with it! Anyway, if you want to see what I read and loved in November, you can check out my favorite reads of the month here!

Writing: Since I turned in my latest round of edits on book two to my editor in the beginning of November, I had a lot of free writing time this month and I needed it, big time. I spent the month finishing my holiday banging book and it was so nice to write something that has no expectation of ever being published because I could really just do what I want. It was so fun and I totally fell in love with these characters, and while I will always hope I get to share all my work with readers, even if this one is just for me it was totally worth it because it helped remind me that I really love writing! The pressure with a contracted book two is a lot, so it was nice to rediscover the fun parts of writing.

Movies and TV: I have been living in a Real Housewives world and I am not mad about it. Between the Potomac reunion and all the drama/glory happening on Salt Lake City, I am in Real Housewives heaven. I also saw Eternals (twice) and Spencer, which I thought was really well done, but I didn’t love it as much as I thought I was going to. I have a lot of movies and TV shows on my to watch list, which much like my TBR is growing out of control. How do I get paid to watch movies and TV?

Life Stuff: My kiddo got his shot!!!!!!!! Shot number one came in November, and he just got his second last week (technically December but it counts!). I have never been more grateful for science and medicine and I am loving this tiny, tiny sliver of relief that comes with knowing he’s protected. And it’s perfect timing since winter break is just around the corner and I’m about to wrap up my weddings for the year. It will be nice to have a little work break and actually be able to take the kid out to do some stuff. Yay science!

Another month full of good stuff and I’m so grateful for all the amazing things that have happened are that are coming my way! Cheers!

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