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10 Things I’m Obsessed with Right Now


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Hi friends! Back in my days of being just a blogger, I used to do these posts all the time because I’m the kind of person who becomes very into a thing, basically making it my whole personality for a month or two, and I want nothing more than to talk about these things all the time. So these are just fun little tidbits I like sharing with friends, and maybe you’ll find something on this list that you’ll become obsessed with too!

The Happy Place Cover: Emily Henry is one of my favorite writers, she hits for me every single time and I have been obsessed with her books since the moment I read Beach Read. And since pink is my favorite color, I absolutely died when I saw the cover for her next book. It feels like release day is so far away, but I’m already anxiously counting down the moments until this one comes out!

Mango Cart Beer: Golden Road is one of my favorite breweries and we have an awesome one here in Anaheim that we visit fairly frequently. It’s been one of our go-to spots during the pandemic because they have so much outdoor space. I love many of their beers, but the Mango Cart is one of my faves and it is the perfect beer for summer so I have been indulging. Often.

AlwaysTakeFountainLA on Instagram: I seem to have a problem with creating too many Instagram accounts to manage, but that doesn’t stop me from creating accounts for my fictional characters. For Lease on Love, I created @bridgeandblooms, and for Just My Type, we have @alwaystakefountainla, which is the web magazine the two main characters write for. Since I am an LA girl born and bred, I’m having a lot of fun with this one!

Book Boyfriend Bookmarks: These bookmarks from Steph’s Book Therapy are to die for, they are so stinkin’ cute. Steph was kind enough to design a Jack bookmark, and she and I are working on a special Seth bookmark that will be available with preorders of Just My Type (more info on that to come!). In the meantime, there are a bunch of dreamy book boyfriends for you to check out in Steph’s shop!

Vacation Planning: I’m going to London in a couple of weeks, and in addition to that, the fam has three upcoming vacations we are planning for. This is the first time in my adult life that I feel financially stable enough to be planning big vacations and I cannot wait to explore all the new places and see all the new things.

The Ice Planet Barbarians Series: This isn’t really a new obsession since I started these books last year, but it is an ongoing one. I cannot get enough of these books. I read them in a day and then instantly want more! I’m over here counting down the days until the next one!

Moulin Rouge: Moulin Rouge was the last musical I saw before the shutdown and as an Aaron Tveit stan, I can’t get enough of it. I’m going tonight to see the touring version in LA and I cannot wait. It has some of the best dancing I’ve ever seen in a show, and I’m obsessed with the cast recording. Also, I’m playing around with an idea for a fantasy series with some hints of Moulin Rouge so I plan on coming away from the performance totally inspired.

The Lease on Love Extended Epilogue: I’ve been working on it in bits and pieces and the draft is finally done! It needs some edits, but I’m hoping it will be polished and ready in the next couple of weeks. It takes place on Thanksgiving, one year after the original LoL epilogue, and it’s from Jack’s POV. It will be available exclusively to newsletter subscribers, so sign up now if you haven’t already!

Skincare: I have had problem skin my whole life and I have now entered the lovely phase where I have both acne and wrinkles. Super cool. I don’t really have a set skincare routine, but I collect products like it’s a job and I love trying new things. Maybe my obsession is actually shopping for skincare?

Rom-Coms: I mean, duh. But honestly, I have read some truly amazing rom-coms this month. Like actually made me laugh out loud and then cry rom-coms and if you are not reading rom-coms right now, you should change that immediately.

Thank you for letting me gush about all the things I love! I hope you found something new to be obsessed with!

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